Prof. Dr. Liane
Chairwoman of the Executive Board, Sparkassenverband Westfalen-Lippe
a.loebbe@svwl.eu- 1984 - 1988: Studied finance at the Berlin School of Economics
- 1988 - 1991: Research assistant and doctoral phase at the Berlin School of Economics
- 1991 - 1992: Research assistant at the Berlin Institute for Social Science Studies
- 1992 - 1998: East German Savings Banks Association, consultant
- 1998 - 2016: Berlin School of Economics and Law, Professor of Business Administration for Banks
- 1998 - 2009: VRE - Banksteuerungssysteme GmbH Managing Founding Partner
- 2004 - 2014: Investitionsbank Berlin Member of the Board of Directors and Credit Committee
- 2009 - 2013: Head of the Management Academy of the Savings Banks Finance Group
- 2014 - 03/2017: Federal Association of German Public Sector Banks, VÖB Managing Director
- since 04/2017: Savings Banks Association Westphalia-Lippe (SVWL), Münster President and Chairwoman of the Association's Board of Directors
- Chairwoman of the Supervisory Board of Finanz Informatik and other memberships in bodies, committees and advisory boards at major affiliated companies (e.g. DekaBank, Helaba, LBS NordWest, Provinzial, Finanz Informatik, Deutscher Sparkassenverlag, Sparkassenakademie NRW)
Selection of honorary posts
- Board of Trustees Sparkassenstiftung Kunstmuseum Münster, Münster,
- Member of the Board of Trustees - Wirtschaftliche Gesellschaft für Westfalen und Lippe e. V. (WWL), Münster,
- Member of the Board of Trustees of the Freiherr-vom-Stein-Institut, Münster, Chairwoman