All studies from Fin.Connect
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27 results
How far along are SMEs in NRW with sustainability reporting?
With new regulations, the European Union is obliging more and more companies to disclose their sustainability activities. This article discusses how companies are dealing with this on the basis of a recent company survey. It becomes clear that many companies, including those in North…
Building climate-friendly data centers: Prior1 GmbH is working on it
Prior1 from Sankt Augustin made a commitment to sustainability early on: The company plans, builds and operates data centers and server rooms with an eye on its carbon footprint and the common good. To this end, it has subjected itself to strict rules.
How ready is industry in NRW for the digital circular economy?
1. Relevance of a digital circular economy Strengthening the circular economy (CE), in which product and material life cycles are closed and become circular, is a central element of the European Green Deal and many current EU strategies and regulations. This central course set at EU level is now…
Transformation strategy for Germany and NRW as an industry locations
1 Background and objectives of the study Germany is one of the leading countries in an international comparison of business locations. However, this good position is currently under threat. This is because the global challenges of demographics, digitalization, decarbonization and de-globalization…
Tips for the loan discussion
Debt capital from banks is crucial for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in order to achieve their business goals, initiate company growth and drive innovation. As a rule, SMEs are not able to access the capital market and therefore cannot finance themselves via bonds or shares. The loan…
“We've turned the store inside out” - Interview with Bochum-based print service provider Niggemeyer Pro Imaging
The Bochum-based print service provider Niggemeyer Pro Imaging set out on the road to sustainability two years ago. It wasn't always easy - but today the company is reaping the benefits. Managing Director Roland Niggemeyer has a specific wish for financial institutions.
Banks' equity as a bottleneck factor for financing the transformation?
To transform the economy, companies need to finance huge volumes of investment. As the majority of them are not active on the capital market but are financed by bank loans, there is a high demand for credit from banks. The brief study analyses the resulting capital requirements of banks for…
Subsidies as part of transformation financing
This practical information provides an overview of what companies should know about public subsidies in order to be able to use them for their investments in climate neutrality and digitalisation. The article provides practical recommendations for companies. This includes the recommendation to…
How high are the investment requirements for the climate-neutral and digital transformation in NRW?
At least 100 billion euros must be invested annually in North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) to finance climate-neutral and digital transformation. This is the result of this meta-analysis of existing studies on the need for investment in climate neutrality and the need for investment in digitalization. In…
What does the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) require?
What is the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR)? In 2019, the European Union created a new transparency framework, the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) or EU Disclosure Regulation. The regulation specifies how financial market participants must disclose sustainability…